Vypadá to jako výborný význam.
No. - Co máš tu pod hrubou?
Ale vítej si, že řeji.
A při denu ani tak nějak jako nemusíš.
Ale já ani nemám co čtyři pány nás bavit, takže...
Vypadá to jako výborný význam.
No. - Co máš tu pod hrubou?
Ale vítej si, že řeji.
A při denu ani tak nějak jako nemusíš.
Ale já ani nemám co čtyři pány nás bavit, takže...
Why the couple was having that young dude over their place? Quite simple, actually. The husband, much older than the girl, complained at work that his wife was getting bitchy - and he could understand why. So, after some male talking, they had an idea. What if the younger guy had sex with her? Desperate, the husband agreed, but when after some time the two started getting it on, the hubby actually felt a strange sort of pleasure! Watch as the guy watches his wife go crazy for younger cock - a happy family now!