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Lazy Procrastinator profile
Lazy Procrastinator
Lazy Procrastinator
Hey, I'm LazyProcrastinator, a lazy guy who does lazy 3D animations with Blender. I'll do just about any character if I feel like it, but I primarily work with Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. Pixiv: For the record, I only have accounts here, pixiv, pixiv Fanbox, porn3dx, and a mostly inactive rule34 account. Any other site, it's not me unless I state otherwise here, along side those listed sites.

Subscription Tiers

The Lurker

If you just want to follow and see if it's worth your time to support me.

2156 subscribers
USD monthly
The Flower

If you've got a spare dollar to throw around.

208 subscribers
USD monthly
The Lazy

If, for some reason, you want to give me more money.

50 subscribers
USD monthly
The Procrastinator

If, for some reason, you want to give me even more money.

13 subscribers


  • Right now, there isn't a lot of benefit to supporting me. My content will still be posted publicly at my pixiv in addition to here. That said, I'll try to update supporters weekly with previews/teasers/updates, as well as generally more ramblings.
  • I will also see about holding polls that supporters can vote on to get an animation that is separate from my normal releases.
  • I'll be holding these polls every other week, so a total of two per month.

Lazy Procrastinator
Public post

Genshin Impact Animations

gofile -

I used to get asked to do Genshin Impact a lot in the past, but as time has gone on, that has definitely winded down considerably. And me being me, I only capitalize on trends once they're no longer trendy. So here you go. A big ol' release of Genshin Impact! I finally did it! It's like five years late, but better late than never, right?

...what do you mean this isn't what you asked for? It's Genshin Impact, isn't it? I spent all this time on these animations and it's wrong? Psh... psshh... Gotta be more specific, otherwise I'll have to assume things! Now all this has been pointless! I'm fed up with this worl! (ノ`⌒´)ノ┫: ┻┻

Q: Why?
A: Because.

Q: Will you do *insert character here*?
A: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Q: wtf
A: bbq

Q: What day is it?!
A: Happy April Fool's everyone. x)

Anyway, have an Arlecchino.

See ya tomorrow for the poll.
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Lazy Procrastinator
Public post

Shuten Douji Animations + Public Poll Animations Release

gofile(Shuten) -
gofile(Poll) -

Just a small set for Shuten - been feeling rather under the weather as of late, so I've been going kinda slow and procrastinating a lot. Would have liked to have had more ideas, but sometimes the brain don't work so good. Regardless, it's something at least. Better than no releases in March, I think. Still gotta work on the next sorta 'poll' animations, as well as rig the characters, so I should be able to do that between now and the 1st. Anyway, that's all I've got for the moment, catch ya later.
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Lazy Procrastinator

NG2B Poll Animations Released

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Lazy Procrastinator
Public post

Poll Results + A Little Talk about Upcoming Stuff

The results are (not)shocking.

Momiji won by a pretty large margin, as expected. Rachel actually got second place, which I'm a little surprised by, but I just chalk that up to the lack of Rachel in general causing more to vote for her. Ayane did get second in votes.
Still, for those disappointed or the like, keep in mind I'm now doing 100 points = 1 animation for polls, so Ayane and Rachel will get an animation. And since Rachel is so close, I'll throw in a second as well. So Momiji = 3 animations, Rachel = 2 animations, Ayane = 1 animations. I'll also be doing a little bit more for this set, since I didn't have an animation set release this past poll. Just means I'll be doing some finishes and what have you. I have already started on stuff. One nice thing about the 100 points = 1 animation thing is that the moment someone hits 100 points, I can start animating. I did that sometimes anyway when it was clear who the winner was, but sometimes it was too close to call. But anyway, the point is I've started. Here's a small preview of Miji.

I've gotta admit, I'm quite liking NuMiji. They did a good job with her. Makes me hopeful for future characters.

Anyway, I'm still a bit on the 'resting up' side of things after my Luna sets and am taking things slow still. That said, I'm gonna try to get something out this month, and I'm leaning towards a fairly random character.

My Marie-Shuten model. It'll probably be a small set, but I just have an itch to do something more proper with her. So yeah, that'll hopefully be this month. 
Past that... not sure. Gonna have a set for the April poll, but haven't fully figured out who it will be. I did roll the poll, and while I haven't rigged up the models, it's gonna be a Fighting Game 'J' set. And what I mean by that is I rolled King of Fighter's B. Jenet, Tekken's Jun Kazuma, and Street Fighter's Juri Han. RNGesus can be funny sometimes.
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Lazy Procrastinator

Ninja Gaiden Black 2 Poll

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Lazy Procrastinator
Public post

7th Anniversary Lunafreya Release

gofile -

That's right, I've been releasing my animations for seven years now. I've been animating for longer than that, as I started well before I started releasing stuff, but still. Time flies. The very first thing I posted was a Lunafreya animation, hence the reason for the Luna focus. Various themes and ideas, with some unique animations and some returning familiar ones. I think this is officially my longest/biggest release to date. And, if you can believe it, this set was gonna be twice as big. I cut it down for my own sanity, and because there was zero shot I'd make it in time for today's release date. And even then, I cut it pretty close. Don't have a whole lot to say or talk about at this point - I'm not too sentimental about my anniversaries, so not much to say in that regard. As for the conent, my brain is mush, so I don't have a lot to say there either. Hopefully you all enjoy it. I'll be taking a bit of a break here in March to refresh my brain some. Not sure when or even what my next release will be, but it'll certainly be a more subdued set. ( = ⩊ = )

Also, the poll for the NG gals will be going up in a couple days. Just letting this post rock for a bit. x)
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